Wednesday 7 September 2011

Harry Potter - Dumbledore / Scrooge

Dr Gene's Book - 'The Mature Mind' really got me thinking about inter-generational collaboration projects and why films and the general media have altering opinions of the elderly.
Many fairytales have elderley characters in them such as Hansel and Gretels - Old Witch, Cinderella's - Older Step Sisters etc...which provide stereotypes to young children as to what the elderly are like. Do you think reading this stories did have an influence on your outlook?
However nowadays certain characters provide influential messages to people of all ages about the older population.
Take for example - Aldus Dumbledore from Harry Potter - he is an authoritive figure, a friendly and happy character, quoting in the films: "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" (this then crosses back to a previous blog post, confirming Cohen's opinions). This is very different to fairytales and ancient stories....
Scrooge from a Christmas Carol also provides insights into 'Growing' and 'Developing' as individuals - from Christmas PAST, FUTURE and PRESENT! We can become who we want to become...