Thursday, 29 September 2011
Debate of Healthcare affecting our overall opinion on Creativity and Aging?
After discussing the differences between the US and the UK today - it came to my attention that due to the extortionate prices American citizens have to pay for Healthcare there is more emphasis on Creativity and helping the Community - decreasing amount of medical treatment needed.
Due to the UK system - we receive free treatment and medicines so maybe this is why the outlook to Creativity differs??
"Dancing Heart" with the Veterans...
All week i have been excited about working closely with the Veterans, alongside Kairos Dance!!! And boy oh boy did it live up to my expectations!!! - It was truly amazing and mind blowing.
The Kairos team did tell me they were a great group of men with fabulous stories and personalities - and they were just that!! As soon as the music began - the men were dancing and moving in their seats. And as the group activities developed towards the end of the session they all held hands and inspired an empowering community.
Jim - a participant said to me "I love taking part in Kairos as it will keep me moving for longer and let me catch up with my wives energy"....
Observing and taking part in the session was truly powerful and i had to hold back the tears - Kairos Dance are an inspirational group which i aspire to be like with the work i deliver....
Today the Kairos Dance Theatre team and i actually went back to Deer Crest where we facilitated on Tuesday - due to the Photographer of ARRP wanting to take photographs of the Dancing Heart program in action!!!
These photos will be published in the magazine and on the ARRP website come November - an astounding opportunity for Kairos and the participants!! It was really a one off opportunity for me to be part of....
Check out the ARRP website and keep updated for the article on Kairos Dance:
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
American TV Commercial...
A quote taken from the Minnesota University TV commercial:
"The Best medicine of all - IS HOPE"
Contemporary or Traditional Art?
Do individuals diagnosed with Dementia interpret Traditional Art differently to Contemporary Art?
And if so - What is the Difference?
This is a question i keep asking myself when working within an Art setting. However i will be experiencing The Walker Art Center on Friday which is full of Contemporary exhibits to test this querie and thought....
Alzheimers Assocation, Minneapolis Chapter...
After meeting with Monica Moreno at the Chicago Chapter of Alzheimer's Association it was suggested that i met with Sarah Pucker at the Minneapolis Chapter too whilst visiting - So that's what i did!!!
It was such a pleasure meeting with Sarah Pucker and the Alz Association Social Worker - where we spoke about the Program's on offer in more depth. There were alot of similarities with the Chicago Chapter however the close collaboration between The Walker, Minneapolis Institute of Art and Alzheimer's Association was very strong and offered to those with Dementia when diagnosed with the disease.
"Discover your Story" - Minneapolis Institute of Art
Today i joined the "Discover Your Story" Program that takes place at the Minneapolis Institute of Art.
It was ever so interesting as they incorporate Anne Davis Basting's Timeslips Program model within the Art Gallery (paintings). Today was the first time i have seen this in action and it certainly worked. Any image can be told and made into an expressive, humourous story!!!
Nancy, a docent who has been trained via Alzheimer's Association delivered the session and she was fantastic and automatically created this safe and comfortable environment for the paritcipants to be creative and imaginative in. As prompts for storytelling she used various props to communicate with the senses. From a rain pipe, various coloured fall leaves and smells that promote association. These really enabled exciting stories and communication around the theme of Fall.
Another difference to this Program was that the Minneapolis Institute of Art concentrate on Mid-Stage Dementia so it was interesting to see the participation within the group. The group came from Wilder Care Facility (where i worked previously on Monday with Kairos Dance) for their first session on this program. As soon as the program began they were engaged and very verbal throughout!! I spoke to alot of the participants at the end of the program and they all thoroughly enjoyed the session and wanted it to carry on....
Check out the Minneapolis Intitute of Arts Website:
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Deer Crest, Red Wing...
Today i joined the Kairos group to travel an hour and a half to Red Wing (out of the city and into the countryside of Minneapolis) to facilitate another 'Dancing Heart' Program to the Deer Crest facility.
As i have had the opportunity to observe quite a few 'Dancing Heart' Programs now it is interesting to see how they can change and develop within various groups. Ages, quantity and concept alters and this always provides engagement.
This afternoon we also visited a care facility which is going to be developing the 'Dancing Heart' program come October but today was a taster for the residents. I couldn't believe how open, trusting and engaged they were for their first time - it was unbelievable!! The individuals today spoke alot about their past dance and music experiences and we even found out that we had a band musician who played the drums and guitar and also a tap dancer, within the group! So this was a perfect program for them to identify with...,
Kairos Dance Website....
Please see Kairos Dance Theatre's Website - this is a truly interesting and amazing program for all walks of life and generations...
Monday, 26 September 2011
Dianne's Summing up of the Older Generation....
I got speaking to Dianne a participant in the Integenerational Dance Company and she spoke to me openly about how she felt about been in the older generation.
Dianne's powerful quote:
'Minneapolis is like a library, and us, the people are the books. We are on the shelves waiting to be read by others. But they don't read or wait long enough to read the most exciting bits'.
Kairos Dance - Integenerational Dance Company...
I didn't know what to expect with the Integenerational Dance Company rehearsal (with Kairos). But it was truly a great experience to part of this group!!
All walks of life and ages come together to rehearse conceptual, contemporary dances to later perform, (next Monday they will be performing). I warmed up with the group but then watched and was able to dive into their experessive dancing styles - it was a pleasure to be part of and such a powerful mix of young and older people.
After the main rehearsal we actually went outside next to the lake and learnt some new dances in bare feet!! It felt so liberating and relaxing!!! Finishing the day with a picnic, watching the sun set and getting to know the Kairos group a bit more...
Kairos Dance - 'Dancing Heart'
Today i have had the most powerful, overwhelming experience of joining Kairos Dance deliver multiple program's and reharsals at many Day Center's / Care Homes - from Wilder to Ravoux and with the Integenerational Dance Company.
The Dancing Heart Program that was facilitated was very different to what i was expecting. It was very conceptual, visual and musical as well as physical. So this collaboration of the Arts really enhanced the dancing and performing experience for all involved. The theme this week was 'Jewish New Year' - so songs and routines were learnt from the Jewish celebrations and the formation of actions were reflected through dance. For example, The breaking of bread crumbs and throwing them into water, representing the 'Letting Go and Moving On - into the New Year'. So we went round and personally told stories of what we wanted to let go of. A VERY powerful activity.
As soon as the music was put on to warm upto the room of people came alive!! They new exactly what to do and danced with partners and their friends from the center. Even those people with aids found ways of dancing - either by using a chair to balance on or dancing with a partner around a frame.
At the end of the session - Kairos and the group sing the same song to close the session which really proved the effects that dance have on this generation.
One lady quoted 'I felt tired before and now feel energised and could dance some more'.
(Photos to follow in the next couple of days)
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Creative Chicago...
The streets of Chicago are scattered with innovative sculptures and hidden secrets!! You never know what is roudn the corner....
I also visited the Art Institute of Chicago and the Museum of Contemporary Art today which were full of famous paintings and sculptures by the following artists: Monet, Picasso, Eva Hesse, Warhol and so on....
This Art Culture is all around us....
Meeting with Deborah Delsingnore...
This morning i met with Deborah Delsingnore, an Art Therapist who carries out many job roles from Art Program's, to Director to Enrichment Program' was interesting to find out what all of these entailed and how she seperates them along with different stages of the disease...
It helped talking to Deborah - to understand the difference between an Art Therapist and an Art Practitioner working with this age group and the important roles these play.
The conversation was truly inspiring and i am now raring to facilitate some workshops for this generation as my brain is beaming with new ideas and things to explore...the fact that the senses can help communicate and associate with memories is truly amazing - so what would happen if these were used in all Creative Workshops? Smelling, Tasting, Touching, Hearing and Seeing??
Would this help individuals in alternative ways to engage?
Friday, 23 September 2011
Alzheimer's Association, Chicago's Chapter...
Today i had the fantastic opportunity of meeting with Monica Moreno, who works at the Alzheimer's Association National Office in Chicago...
I was blown away with their dedication to the US - 73 Chapters have been developed across the US over time to support and dedicate program's to. From the 1st of July to the 30th of June, an advisory panel are put together of individuals who have Dementia from around America. They sit on various panels and at National Board conferences - sharing their stories and providing networks and support for others who have the disease. There powerful courage is overwhelming - as they hope to help others who are in a similar situation.
When finding out more about these individuals - it was interesting to find out that their backgrounds were in social service type jobs, from nursing, vicar, prison chaplin and even an Alzheimer's medication researcher!! So their outlook to helping and providing information to others in this sector may be inspired by their interests and backgrounds???
After speaking with Monica for some time, we came up with what makes a succesful programme in promoting successful engagement:
-The facilitators having a true understanding of Dementia
- Educated on how to deliver and communicate with this type of group
- Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals
- Commitment to the group and Programme
- Have a strong base of volunteers at all times to support participants
- Value the program and what it aims and sets out to do
Alzheimer's Assocation truly deserve a medal for what they do for America - providing and supporting individuals at this crucial time! And as we speak more Pilot studies are being carried out to provide Voluntary, Social and Advocacy type programmes across the chapters!! A truly overwhelming assocation...
A Winston Churchill Quote that came up at the Conference....
"We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us"
- Winston Churchill
(In reference to the Asthetic qualities of a Care Facility - to enable succesful engagement)
"I am Lisa" - from a child's perspective..
We watched this video as part of the conference and it is the first time i have thought about a child's personal perspective on a family member (Mum) having Dementia...a very moving story
National Adulot Day Services Association and Wisconsin Adult Day Services Association Conference..
To have the National Adult Day Services Association come to Wisconsin is a one-off opportunity - so i knew this was going to be a fantastic day!!
The conference was held at the Hilton in downtown Milwaukee, from the 23rd until the 25th..full of Adult Day Services and Organisational speakers...
I chose to attend Beth Meyer Arnold and Lyn Geboy's conference on "Organizational Fitness" - this was utterly mind blowing, and even though i have spent the last couple of weeks at Luther Manor, i was able to learn deeper into the Program Structures, Architectural qualities and much much more - i did not realise how much work went into providing a successful, engaging Adult Day Center.
The main ethic behind this morning session was "Personal Urgency to Make CHANGE happen" - there are many faults seen within a care home (learnt stereotypically of what a Care facility is meant to be like) but it takes alot of work to change this stereotypical culture. This needs to take a shift in the next few years to enable this New Generation to have a voice and to be engaged with everyday activities - changing this negative aging to a Positive and hopeful life.
Person Centered Care has been researched and proved successful in many Care Facilities in the US as it provides the four states of well-being, which are Personal Worth, Agency, Social Confidence and Hope. So to work closely to that individual, one-to-one, getting to know their backgrounds, interests, families etc provides the staff with crucial knowledge. They are now able to develop and design relevant programs that will engage the participants during their day at the Adult Day Center.
At Luther Manor - when a new participant arrives they are given a questionnaire to fill in about their personal life and interests and this is kept on a system for all staff members , all staff are allocated 8 members to work closely with day-to day. I think this Person Centered Approach is the way forward and allows close collaboration and inter-generational work.
The main message being "You should see Participants as Extraudinary people".
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Art For Life, Day 2 at the Milwaukee Art Museum
We observed Miro's work (miniture sculpture) and this engaged the individuals more so than a painting. Observing and intellectually discussing what they could see. From this the participants thought of emotions and outlooks that they had to build and develop their own personal clay sculpture.
This sensory based activity provided lots of stimulation and was a playful and explored studio session. Some individuals played with the clay then built a concept and vice versa. - This challenged them in a new way but provided a new space to develop within.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Dementia Screening
Al Castro, the director and social worker at the United Community Center provided me with additional sources, measuring mechanisms and Dementia Screening options at the end of the Memory Loss Program. I even got the chance to be Dementia Screened myself!!! I have never felt under so much pressure to provide the correct answers, so i do feel for those individuals who go through the process, this anxiety should be taken into consideration for the final results!!!
In the future i plan to find out more about the participants so i can design and provide workshops suited to their abilities. As part of the Dementia Screening, certain shapes and a clock face have to be drawn. Now i know this - i will certainly not facilitate this in a workshop or designn anything similar to this. It was very interesting and taught me a lot about my own cognitive ability....
United Community Center – Memory Loss Program, 'Super Minds Club'
Today i had the great opportunity of joining the 'Super Minds Club' at the United Community Center in Downtown Milwaukee for their Memory Loss Program. As it is the national Spanish heritage month the day was based on 'personal heritage' and those memories. All participants were Spanish speaking and were from countries such as Mexico and Puerto Rico.
The day started off with an ice breaker activity which was interesting. The group were pushed intellectually by working in teams to discuss all of the countries in Central America - a difficult challenge for the best of us!! But there were able to do this and it provided ideas and visuals of their background heritage. This was adapted and discussed further into painting their personal flags onto canvas boards.
Instead of leaving the workshop room for a break, the individuals participated in Zumba, which originated from Columbia (Central America). Even though this was a very different workshop to all of the previous programs i have observed, it showed me that to push individual potential really inspires and empowers them. The zumba class worked as a powerful tool to re-engage them back into the activities, similar to art making in a studio whilst talking about art pieces.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Sharpie Pen - Uncapping Creativity Inside...
Check this American Advert out - Creativity is everywhere we look - and the message we should be portraying to our Community to make it a better place...
Getting Stuck in a Lift...
At the end of the program at the Milaukee Public Museum...we got stuck in a lift, around 15 of us - with wheelchairs and walkers included, mixture of ages and walks of life.
Being stuck in there for an hour really taught me ALOT - the elderly participants shared and gave up their wheelchairs for other participants to feel comfortable and really were the positive members of the group...they sang, made jokes and provided stimulating conversation!
It proves - this generation are a massive part of learning in our general community and they should be the ones teaching us!!!
Milwaukee Public Museum, SPARK Program...
As all the programs i have previously observed have been in either Art Institutions or galleries or day center's encouraging Art - this was to be a new experience of engagement.
I spoke to Dawn Kojeca, the programs facilitator at the beginning of the session to find more out about how it is designed and used as an intellectual tool for these adults. Dawn mentioned that this program is always popular and they have to turn some people away...and out of all the programs i have seen so far, they have more emphasis on the families and carer relationships too...
The program began and we visited 'India, Alaska, China and Asia', viewing exhibits in the Public Museum. Artefacts were handed out for the participants to hold which acted as the sensory part (normally found within the SPARK Art programs). Artefacts were very varied from Textiles to ceramics to basketry and food. The provided a talking point for the individuals and it helped the connection between the country (ie/India) and themselves..
I spoke to many families who took part in the program - but one lady mentioned:
'Me and my Mom come to SPARK as it is a way of travelling to new places without the anxiety and confusion caused by getting on an Aeroplane - we still get to visit India, but in a different way'. - This quote really captures what the Public Museum really sets out to do...
Various Intellectual conversations work in different ways for numerous people - so some elderly adults may prefer the Public Museum and some the Art Museum. The choice is certainly there in Milwaukee, and the collaboration between the partners of SPARK are strong and flexible to meet the needs of their target audience...
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Researching and Reading at Milwaukee Public Library...
I took books, leaflets and copies of documents into the library to really delve into the research side of Arts Programming for the Eldery...I became absorbed and became more aware of the possibilities, ways of measuring such programs and how to plan and deliver such sessions...
Those who suffer from memory loss sometimes feel embarassed or afraid to be intellectual in front of loved ones or carers incase their cognitive abilities have decreased therefore providing a space where this can happen where there are NOT any correct answers enables creativity and a new type of self-expression.
This intellectual discussion is what is needed - and the paridigm of Dementia provides the general community with stereotypical ways of speaking to these individuals. Conversations such as about washing, getting dressed and their meal at lunch time. This needs to be pushed further but encouraging other forms of discussion and expression.
Friday, 16 September 2011
Developing Creativity in Second Half of Life...
Today i have spent most of the day getting to know the Day Center users....after speaking to a lady named Mariann, she mentioned that she hadn't always been so Creative throughout her life and felt it had developed more so after turning 50. She now explores various medium from painting and drawing daily onto napkins to finger knitting and solving puzzles..
Tomorrow i will be going to the Milwaukee Public Library to research and read some more...looking into Dr.Gene Cohens - Second Stages of Life books..
ART FOR LIFE (Milwaukee Art Museum comes to Luther Manor)...
Carolines completed piece (the top photograph) was named 'Parked in Central Park' - as she has enjoyed many times in New York and felt she wanted to portray a boat on vacation.
Yet, another great afternoon....
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Meeting Anne Basting...

The initial planning and bidding for her programs were discussed and the finer details into making them successful.
When Anne began researching empowerment and engagement for the elderly she explored various theatre workshops before realising the potential of Storytelling - not of oneselves life or experiences but making new stories in response to photographs and famous Art Works. - This is Timeslips!! Other Art Forms could be incorporated into this program - for example, storytelling through music or textile.
The Timeslips website is going live next week for seniors all over the world - to write stories online. This will provide online collaboration and a way of carrying out the program from your house and community.
Take a peak:
This concept provides engagement on many levels!!
Milwaukee Art Museum
Ellen and Pacia collaborated to form a project at Milwaukee Art Museum, in which residents and day center users would attend the gallery every Wednesday to look and discuss artworks to then explore art processes in the studio. These will be expanded on on Fridays back at the Luther Manor studio...
Pacia delivered the first session - however students will take over in the next sessions after initial training is completed...
Luther Manor...
The more and more i stay at Luther Manor - the more i become aware of its small dens and hideouts - the residents and day center guests know exactly where everything is and when it opens!! Today i came accross a ice-cream parlour which serves ice cream scoops for just $0.35 - BARGAIN!! and a vintage den where second hand goods are given!
This is a great place for the senior community to live / attend as they have many decisions and places to visit, alongside speaking to many interesting people!!!
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
"I remember better when i Paint"
Check out this blog that i have recently come across, in which a film was made to show how memory loss can be enriched and engaged through creativity:
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Timeslips and Penelope Project Workshops..
Today i have been observing and taking part in both a Timeslips and Penelope Project Workshop - which have been ever so interesting and very different to how i thought they would be delivered!
One photograph (black and white) was given to each participant of the group (8 participants in total) they were given prompts about the photo and the aim was to develop a story. I was the note taker during the workshop and had to write everything down that they said along with their name in brackets if it was them who said the end of the session - i re-read it out and the same piece of information came up three times, which was:
'The look very happy and content together' - i thought this was really interesting as the participants had obviously picked up on the emotions and relationships that they could see..
- This helped them look at imagery differently
- Think about emotions and relationships in an entirely different way
- Engagement
Penelope Project:
This was similar to Timeslips, however a new script had to be written with each participant representing a character in the painting we were looking at - this prompted words and helped phrases and communication.
I would certainly use either of these workshops as they are both platforms to experiment and be playful with - nothing is wrong and it can be humourous and exciting!!
Monday, 12 September 2011
A poem on the walls of Luther Manor Care Home, Milwaukee...
I wanted to share this poem with you - found on many hallways of Luther Manor, the meaning behind it is ever so powerful...
We are all Pilgrims and Travelers,
From "Birth till Death" we travel between the eternities,
May these days be pleasant for you,
beneficial to Society, Helpful for those you meet,
and a joy to those who you know and love you best.
Its fascinating as this could soley be about the Churchill Fellowship or the residents of Luther Manor?? - you decide...
SPARK Program at John Michael Kohler Art Center
I was transported to Sheboygan - 1 hour North of Luthor Manor / Milwaukee to observe and take part in the monthly SPARK program for people with memory loss.
There were around 5 individuals there with memory loss accompanied by there caregivers - some friends and family members - so they had the creative support needed to begin exploring.
The session was designed around the senses - using sculture to mould, various fabrics and a hand masseuse. The various techniques all worked together to provide a truly fantastic session.
Hand moulds were created by all participants - where they could freely choose how to position their hands and whether to include rings and other jewlery important to them...
Then the workshop transported to the gallery space where the exhibition 'Hiding Places:Memory in the Arts was exhibited to look at clothing and identity. Each pair had to discuss their favourite piece of clothing and what it meant to them - but then write a paragraph of what the item of clothing would say to them:
John - 'My navy jacket would say to me - I am Proud of YOU JOHN and i feel very handsome when you wear me'
The discussions were fantastic and were inspired by passing around various textile fabrics from fur to leather to fleece and felt.
The moulds, words and paragraphs were all put into hand made boxes for all participants to take away - little memory and identity boxes!!
(More photos from the session to follow - proffessional photography)
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Starving Artists Show 2011, Mount Mary College
When i arrived in Milwaukee on Friday, Beth told me all about the 'Starving Artists' Show 2011 that takes place at Mount Mary College every year - i didn't really know what to expect but it was packed full of people and all art work displayed to sell was under the value of $100 - so very reasonable!! There were lots of artists with many pieces ranging from Basketry, paintings, sculpture and textiles. I was expecting the Art work to be culturally different / alternative but alot of it was quite similar to ours back in England..
I was drawn to the event program and the introduction paragraph said this:
'We come together today as part of a Community to celebrate life, and the beauty that the human spirit creates through Art'.
I thought this was a beautiful statement which could also refer to Luthor Manor and the residents there too..
Down each of the corridors of the huge Care facility - there are similar quotations and i had a welcome letter in my room stating the same. Art is classed as a very powerful tool here in the US...
Saturday, 10 September 2011
United Community Center, Mural Art Project - Milwaukee
On my first day i had the fantastic opportunity of observing and taking part in the Mural Art Project at the United Community Center in downtown Milwaukee...where around 25 participants and 8 helpers were encouraged and engaged to craft clay faces of individuals that they felt close to...over time these will be part of a large mural piece to hang in the center.
The above clay face is ME! Made by a man named Jose and the bottom photograph is a face that i hand sculpted of a participant. It was great fun and really engaged all of the members...
The participants were Spanish Americans therefore it proved difficult to communicate at times but this was overcome by expression and translators throughout the session.
After the workshop we discussed the positives and negatives which was very interesting...and i felt i came away with alot...
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Harry Potter - Dumbledore / Scrooge
Dr Gene's Book - 'The Mature Mind' really got me thinking about inter-generational collaboration projects and why films and the general media have altering opinions of the elderly.
Many fairytales have elderley characters in them such as Hansel and Gretels - Old Witch, Cinderella's - Older Step Sisters etc...which provide stereotypes to young children as to what the elderly are like. Do you think reading this stories did have an influence on your outlook?
However nowadays certain characters provide influential messages to people of all ages about the older population.
Take for example - Aldus Dumbledore from Harry Potter - he is an authoritive figure, a friendly and happy character, quoting in the films: "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" (this then crosses back to a previous blog post, confirming Cohen's opinions). This is very different to fairytales and ancient stories....
Scrooge from a Christmas Carol also provides insights into 'Growing' and 'Developing' as individuals - from Christmas PAST, FUTURE and PRESENT! We can become who we want to become...
The Mature Mind, The Positive Power of the Aging Brain' by Dr.Gene Cohen
'The Mature Mind, The Positive Power of the Aging Brain' by Dr Gene Cohen - was a requested read and OH BOY - it was a fantastic insight into Cohen's research and ideas for this 'Healthy Aging Population'.
Throughout the book - Cohen discusses various stages of the 'Second Half of Life' which include the 'Inner Push' and 'Wisdom' - which i see as the most important in enabling the exploration and cognitive development to occur in later life. Many stories are shared within the book providing detailed insights in how creativity can develop in various ways.
For Example/
Two elderly individuals needed a taxi or lift back from the middle of town but due to not having enough money they couldn't afford to get home. After alot of discussion and negotiating they arrived home after ordering a pizza and asking to ride home with its delivery service! - This is a fantastic example of how life intelligence and exploration has provided them with alternative suggestions. Would young people come up with the same suggestion?
As i am lucky enough to still have four grandparents i referred to their lives and visions whilst reading this book. Dr.Gene Cohen throughout the book lists ways of keeping the brain active through playing games such as Scrabble, Crosswords, developing the family tree, learning new skills and networking with new friends and groups. My grandparents do all of these things and enjoy life to the max! I certainly believe that if the second half of life's potential is pushed, it can be a time for exploration and growing.
I will leave you with some quots which i feel really sum up the book and thoughts gone into all the programs and organisations which endeavor to provide solutions for this age group:
"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly'
- Henri Bergson
"Your brain never stops developing and changing. Its been doing it from the time you were an embryo, and it will keep on doing it all your life. And this ability, perhaps, represents its greatest strength"
- James Trefil
"Creativity represents a miraculous coming together of the uninhibited energy of the child with its apparent opposite and enemy:the sense of order imposed by the disciplined adult intelligence"
- Norman Podhoretz
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Memory Bridge, Chicago..
I wanted to share Memory Bridge's work with everyone viewing this blog...
The general Memory Bridge website:
Please view these video's - they are extremely powerful and refer to the Arts throughout. Through determination and communication the inner soul will appear at various times.
Over the next few weeks i will be speaking to Michael Verde, the founder of memory Bridge to find out keep posted!!!
ONLY 2 more days until Departure!!
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