Monday, 3 October 2011

Walker Art Center / Walker Sculpture Park - Minneapolis

I met with Ilene Krug, Courtney Grebner and two volunteer educators at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis to discuss the program they offer to individuals with Memory Loss.
It was great to get the opinions from contemporary educators and to find out various art activities that they facilitate. We were able to relate to one another as they use bizarre and everyday materials too within their workshops. When the program takes place at the Walker the only difference to similar programs is that they have their gallery and studio visits seperate and only once a month - this is to do with logistics of the building and engagement of the partipants also. At the Walker Art Center they also charge for all programs as their funding does not cover this, however they always have many participants and money is not an issue. This proves there is a huge need for these type of Workshops....
Above are photographs taken in the Walker Sculpture Garden - it was unbelievable!! And i finally got to see some of Claes Oldenburg's work too!! I remember when he was my main inspiration in my GCSE Art....