The iPad engAGE Pilot Project which was undertaken from July 2012 to April 2013 was life changing for many of the participants who were part of its curious and digitally engaging journey. The most effective creative apps on the iPad became apparent, responding to the level of dementia in each setting. At the end of this Pilot Four Exhibitions were developed in the settings which really highlighted how digital creativity had inspired and changed the paradigm of dementia from negative to positive.
The main aim of iPad engAGE is to empower and provide new opportunities for this hard to reach group, allowing them to experience creative excellence supported through an iPad.
iPad engAGE hopes to raise £2,000 to purchase four additional iPads. These iPads will be used to explore creativity and the outcomes will be exhibited. The iPads will engage individuals with dementia, health staff and loved ones, inspiring a wider community.
By producing an exhibition it will give the participants a sense of pride and acheivement, allowing them to explore the links between digital media and physical outcomes. From my previous experience individuals benefit from Apps which relate closely to everyday tasks, this exhibition will bring the creations to life.
The four iPads will be used in facilitated iPad engAGE workshops alongside a supported loan system. During this time individuals will have the chance to explore and build on their creative confidence to create pieces for the final Exhibition. The iPads will also provide iPad Creativity Training for Health Staff and Artists to raise awareness of the importance of Digital Arts in Dementia Care.
The iPad engAGE workshops will be facilitated over approximately a year. The exhibition will then combine various Art Forms and levels of Dementia, with input off care staff, families and friends.
What will the Exhibition do?
o Promotes Digital Arts as an art form for older people
o Dementia awareness to the wider community
o A sense of self worth for individuals
o Confidence
o Pride!!
o Creates a digital age
o Provides an end goal and point of focus
If we raise even more than our target the iPad engAGE Exhibition will then tour, promoting this type of work as a platform for individuals with dementia.
Any sponsor would be much appreciated and contribute to this Generation! Its now time to give back to those who taught us....
If the target is NOT reached, you will receive all of your monies back….
If you would like access to any of the final iPad engAGE Evaluations, feel free to get in touch at: Claireford88@hotmail.com
(The full version of the film above can be found at: http://www.ipadengage.blogspot.co.uk/p/news.html)