Friday, 23 August 2013

iPad engAGE on Crowd Funder!!

We are NEARLY THERE!! iPad engAGE is on Crowd Funder UK and we hope to raise £2000 to buy four new iPads. These four iPads will be developed into a loan system for individuals with Dementia who cannot afford to buy one themselves. Training and support will be given to these individuals, supported by regular workshops, concluding in a Creative Outcome Exhibition.

If you would like to find out more about the iPad engAGE Project go to:

WE NEED YOUR HELP to reach our goal!!

If you would like to pledge - you will then be part of the iPad engAGE Community, receive your reward and be part of the weekly updates and newsletter.
You can help here at:

Painting Memories Project, RT Projects

RT Projects have developed a new project called 'Painting Memories' which uses Visual Arts to transform communication for individuals with Dementia. It is inspired by the 'Meet Me at MOMA' project in New York and will incorporate Gallery Visits too.

I will be delivering on part of the project and i am excited to put into practice all of my experience and aspire to develop in Gallery stimulation for individuals with Dementia. I am really looking forward to this project as it incorporates all of my experience!

Keep Posted for developments and photographs!

Mental Health Support..

I have been asked to deliver three six week workshops at various settings across the Hambleton and Richmondshire Districts. They will consist of Taster Workshops developing into more detailed techniques and finished pieces.

You can see how Mental Health Support embeds into its communities here:


The Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester is under construction and therefore holding a huge closing event from Friday 30th of August to Sunday 1st of September! Its a must VISIT and must SEE with fantastic Drop In Activities along with LIVE Music and Digital Performances!

Check this link out for an overview of what is taking place:

I will be facilitating these two activities:

Clay Creations Get messy making mythical forest creatures to hide around the park.

Painting with Nature
Make a paintbrush with sticks, twigs, leaves and your imagination and create your own masterpiece


Castle Museum Project, York

I have recently begun a new project working at the Castle Museum in York. The idea is to develop a film with individuals with Dementia (living at home) about 'living with Dementia' and their experiences. We are the initial stages at the moment and this will conclude at the end of September. This is funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and directed by Emily Abbott.

Keep Posted for the final film!


My work with the 4D Creative team is now coming to an end. We have been working at Aintree Hospital in Liverpool for the last few months on their Dementia Ward. It has been an adventure developing stimulus to inspire conversation and activity on the ward using the 4D Technology. We will conclude our journey next week with the final Evaluations.

Salford Community Leisure - Training

I was invited by Salford Community Leisure to facilitate a Mixed Art Form Training Workshop for Health Staff in the Salford area. Staff were from many places such as Age UK, Alzheimer's Society and various Care Homes.

The theme i used was 'Flowers and Gardening' and all Art Forms were covered - demonstrating how all the senses can be incorporated inspiring a greater sensory stimulation for individuals with Dementia.

It was apparent that the delegates got alot from the session and left inspired and enthused to try some new techniques around many different themes!

Camerata Project, Manchester

A collaborative project was set up between the Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester, the Camerata and with myself (incorporating my iPad engAGE Practice)...not to mention Shore Green (an independant living facility in Wythenshawe). This was a Pilot Project to understand how digital art and music can be combined to create a finished piece, developed by individuals with Dementia.

We facilitated three workshops each (The Camerata and Myself) but due to the time constraint it wasn't possible to develop a coherant relationship between the two art forms which made sense for the individuals and therefore we kept them seperate. They worked really well and through evaluative feedback we aware of the next steps if the project is developed further.

As part of this project, a film was developed to record its process. Watch this space! I will add it on shortly when it has been edited!


BREEZE IS BACK for 2013 and i have only had chance to facilitate two workshops at the annual young peoples festival in Leeds! I delivered 'Recycled Jewellery Workshops' which were very popular - with girls and boys leaving with all sorts of upcycled accessories!

If you would like to attend the upcoming BREEZE or MINI BREEZE festivals check out the website below! There is so much to do!

Digital Cultures Presentation, Newcastle

I had the fantastic opportunity of presenting my ideas around the iPad engAGE project to the Digital Cultures Group as part of the TWAM network. This was really interesting and due to the conversations and debates evolving from the group it inspired other ideas for digital work with older people.

If you would like to be involved in the next networking event contact John Coburn with an expression of interest at:

Young People PASSED their Arts Award!!

After 5 months of workshops, visits, writing and personal development the young people from TARGET in Redcar were moderated for their BRONZE Arts Award and passed with flying colours, as part of the 'Moving On' Initiative directed by Tees Valley Arts.

It was a pleasure to be the Host Artist on this project and support the young people from beginning to end. The final event exhibiting their creative outcomes and presentation ceremony really brought a sense of pride and empowered the young people significantly.

These are a couple of the final Glass Pieces, created with Artist Rachel Gretton:

Colour Your Life, Arts on Prescription

'Colour your life aims to provide free access to artistic and creative activities promoting positive mental health and well-being'.

Check out their Promo Film which has just been released this week at:

For the last 3 months i have been working on a Wednesday at The Lodge in Blackhill and Consett Park...and have recently changed over to the Tuesday sessions in Stanley (Venue changed). I have facilitated many Creative Techniques from Batik to Quilting and Printing. Being part of their creative journey over a long period you begin to see how the arts dramatically contribute to positive mental health and change lives. We recently did an evaluation and one piece of feedback read: 'If i didn't come here, i wouldn't leave the house'. Colour Your Life really do provide an essential service.

Here are a few of the outcomes from a variety of the workshops! The colours are fantastic!

iPad engAGE on Creative Dementia Arts Network..

In the next couple of weeks iPad engAGE will be on the Creative Dementia Arts Network and you will be able to find it at:

I will also be delivering an interactive workshop at their National Conference on the 8th of April which i am really looking forward to! Keep Posted via their website to sign up for this fantastic conference!

Sunday, 18 August 2013


iPad engAGE on Crowd Funder NEEDS YOU!!! 

The iPad engAGE Pilot Project which was undertaken from July 2012 to April 2013 was life changing for many of the participants who were part of its curious and digitally engaging journey. The most effective creative apps on the iPad became apparent, responding to the level of dementia in each setting. At the end of this Pilot Four Exhibitions were developed in the settings which really highlighted how digital creativity had inspired and changed the paradigm of dementia from negative to positive.

The main aim of iPad engAGE is to empower and provide new opportunities for this hard to reach group, allowing them to experience creative excellence supported through an iPad.

iPad engAGE hopes to raise £2,000 to purchase four additional iPads. These iPads will be used to explore creativity and the outcomes will be exhibited. The iPads will engage individuals with dementia, health staff and loved ones, inspiring a wider community.
By producing an exhibition it will give the participants a sense of pride and acheivement, allowing them to explore the links between digital media and physical outcomes. From my previous experience individuals benefit from Apps which relate closely to everyday tasks, this exhibition will bring the creations to life.

The four iPads will be used in facilitated iPad engAGE workshops alongside a supported loan system. During this time individuals will have the chance to explore and build on their creative confidence to create pieces for the final Exhibition. The iPads will also provide iPad Creativity Training for Health Staff and Artists to raise awareness of the importance of Digital Arts in Dementia Care.

The iPad engAGE workshops will be facilitated over approximately a year. The exhibition will then combine various Art Forms and levels of Dementia, with input off care staff, families and friends.

What will the Exhibition do?
o Promotes Digital Arts as an art form for older people
o Dementia awareness to the wider community
o A sense of self worth for individuals
o Confidence
o Pride!!
o Creates a digital age
o Provides an end goal and point of focus

If we raise even more than our target the iPad engAGE Exhibition will then tour, promoting this type of work as a platform for individuals with dementia.

Any sponsor would be much appreciated and contribute to this Generation! Its now time to give back to those who taught us....

If the target is NOT reached, you will receive all of your monies back….

If you would like access to any of the final iPad engAGE Evaluations, feel free to get in touch at:

(The full version of the film above can be found at: