Thursday 20 October 2011

Alzheimer's Association's 24th Annual Meeting at The Times Center in Times Square..

I was invited to the Alzheimer's Associations 24th Annual Meeting at the Times Center just off Times Square - it was absolutly fascinating and great to get questions answered that we are all thinking in relation to the headlines we see in the media.
Neurologists and Scientists - Sam Gandy, Ralph Nixon and Effie Mitsis were on the panel, moderated by Sapna Parikh from abc news...
The discussion was based around the media as to what stories are Hopes / Hypes....the information dispersed to the audience was very scientific but made sense, speaking about the strong relationships between Dementia and Diabetes and even Dementia and Football (head injuries) due to the Amoli levels and stem cell movements as we age.
We are more likely to develop Dementia later on in life as the body finds it difficult to get rid of unwanted Amoli as it becomes more corrupted as we age. So how do we prevent it? - Lowering hypertension, controlling Diabetes, Low weight, Low Fat intake, no head injuries, these will all delay the onset of Dementia.
But what about those individuals that are very healthy throughout life and still get the disease???
It was very exciting that we are taking steps forward in the way of research but it will be years before any medication is used due to pre-testing...lets look forward to the future..