Saturday, 27 April 2013

4D Creative

I am currently working for Small Things on a Collaborative Project with 4D Creative, exploring how the space can be Creatively Used for individuals on a Hospital Ward with Dementia.

The 4D Creative Team have installed projection screens, lighting and sound outlets into the space which can all be controlled through a Screen. (Similar to below but not in Pop Up).

I am now putting into practice all of my skills and ideas, stripped down. Its really interesting for me to play with images, space, lighting and sound without the use of other tactile props such as taste, touch and active Visual. I look forward to exploring the potential of this space and understanding what works and doesnt work for individuals with Dementia.
The aim of the project is to embed the space into the everyday roles of the staff, with the plan to actively train them as we facilitate.

Keep Posted for Developments over the next few weeks!

AHRC - Durham University Training Days

I was approached by various researchers at numerous Universities to deliver a Cross Collaborative Workshop as part of the 'Engaging with Communities : Arts and Performance based Collaborative Training'.

I am excited to be participating in the other Workshops too and will update on the Outcomes Shortly!

MICRA iPad Creativity Workshop at the Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester

MICRA - Manchester Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Research on Ageing are researching the affects of Digital Technology within Art Galleries, therefore the Whitworth Art Gallery approached me to facilitate a workshop in response to the ongoing exhibition which was Callum Innes.

The participants were from various Housing Associations and classed as 'Older People'. It was a fantastic workshop and all outcomes were positively received.
Keep Posted for the research outcomes and write-up from MICRA!

Room for the Imagination Conclusion...

The Equal Arts Project - 'Room for the Imagination' is now undertaking its last workshops in various Residential Care Homes across Newcastle and Gateshead. I have had the pleasure of working in two fantastic care settings - Princess House and St.Marks Court, working collaboratively and training up staff to innovative facilitate Creative Workshops.

I thought i would share some lovely experiences with you from the Project:
  • Through the trust of the group, one male put on the lipstick of around five ladies! Who would have thought it?
  • A mother of a resident was in shock after she saw her Mum engaging in knitting and weaving when she had given it up
  • One lady stopped screaming and was able to coherantly communicate with the rest of the group through the Arts
  • Lots of fun, happiness and laughter....
....and much much more...with the staff now aware of the importance of the Arts!!

Gallery Oldham - Family Drop In Workshops

I will be starting a collection of Family Drop In Workshops at Gallery Oldham next weekend...working with various collections inspiring Creativity on the iPad.

I have appropriately designed the Workshops working with iPad Apps that respond to the current Exhibition. Over the next few months i will be delivering three, differing in Art Form, Outcome and Collection.

Each individual who participates will leave with a piece that they have created and it will be shown on an online blog! Keep Posted for an address for this Ongoing iPad Creativity Blog.

The Workshops at Gallery Oldham can be found here:

Shotton Community Centre - Art Work Installed!

I recently went along to the opening of the Art Work we collaboratively designed and produced at Shotton Community Centre at the end of 2012.
It was great to see all the young people so enthusiastic about what they had produced and to give it pride in the entrance of the One Point Building in Peterlee!

Carers Together - iPad Textiles Workshop

After the iPad engAGE Project came to a close working with the Carers Together group they decided to sustain it for a longer period of time. More members have now joined and its becoming even more popular!
This week the iPad Workshop was themed around 'Textiles' and the group delved into the world of quilting, cross stitch and designing stitch all on the iPad.

- Above is a quilt that was developed by a couple of the members.

What is great about the iPad it improves self - esteem and allows you to do those things you used to be able to do!

Colour Your Life season of Workshops about to begin!

I am excited to be going back to Blackhill and Consett Park to be delivering another season of Arts and Craft Workshops as part of the Colour Your Life / Arts on Prescription Project.

Workshops will include Quilting, Silk Screen Printing, Batik and Embroidery! All very different Techniques than last time - Keep Posted for the Creative Outcomes!!

Textiles in Thailand

Recently i have been travelling around Thailand and i was blown away with the intricate textiles. When we visited the Karen Village (The Long Neck Tribe) in Chaing Mai - North of Thailand majority of residents were weaving and stitching making scarves, table runners, and clothing - all in 45 DEGREE heat! It was amazing to see the man made weave loom and how this was creating various wefts - very inspiring to see!

Moving On Project - Arts Award

The Young People as part of the Tees Valley Arts, 'Moving On' Project have been working alongside Artists Bob and Andy developing Poetry, Short Stories, Maps and Personal Identity through Imagery. Shortly their Art Exploration will delve into Glass Designing and Making with Rachel as part of the Arts Award.

As part of the Arts Award the Young People have researched into their heroes and in the upcoming weeks we will be going on a Trip and Completing both sections. It has been an absolute pleasure so far working with this group and they have certainly developed creatively which is what the Arts Award is all about!