Friday, 25 January 2013

iPad engAGE / Stage 4 at York NHS Hospital

iPad engAGE is now onto the Fourth Stage of its journey...with the last leg taking place at York NHS Hospital.

The patients so far have being extraudinary and very excited by the concept of new innovative technology!

Check out the iPad engAGE blog for further updates at:

Woohouse Primary School - Feb Fest Exhibition

I am co-ordinating an Anglo Saxon Themed Workshop at Woodhouse Primary School next week, with the aim to produce a final piece which will be entered and displayed as part of Feb Fest 2013!

There will be lots of Grout, Mundane Materials and Designing going on....Keep Posted for Photographs of the Final Piece!!

'Moving On' Project, Tees Valley Arts

I have been contracted as a Host Artist Worker for the 'Moving On' Project taking place in Redcar and Cleveland over the next months upto July.

My role will be to assist the visiting artists in activities, promoting the Arts Award element of the project!
I am really looking forward to supporting the young people develop their Creativity and Arts Award Futures!!

I will be attending the Annual Arts Award Conference at The Sage next week...Portfolios and Performances are open to view for the general public from 4:30 till 7 on the 4th of February! Look forward to networking with others in this field!

Room for Imagination Project, Equal Arts

I am really excited to begin the 'Room for Imagination' Project on behalf of Equal Arts!

The aim is to inspire the Care Staff at Princess House, to give them confidence in new ways of engaging individuals with Dementia, primarily through Sensory / Visual Arts.

I will be facilitating a vast range of techniques to see what staff and the residents participate and 'Sparkle' with, enabling the staff to sustain this practice over a longer period of time.

Photographs of Visual Art Outcomes will be logged to this blog - SO watch out!

iPad Training at LWDP / Promotion at LWDP Dementia Conference

iPad Training at LWDP was very interactive and pro-actively received at LWDP this week - with staff implementing this type of Creative Interaction into their Care Organisations. All the delegates that were on the course, had iPads or fundraised to get one...this is great news!

Lets hope that iPads will become essential to the care and well-being of an individual with Dementia!  

iPad Training at LWDP will be promoted at the LWDP Dementia Conference on the 14th of March in Chorley. Work produced on an iPad / how this can be implemented and sustained in a Care Setting will all be presented.

Ageing Creatively Development...

Newcastle Universities' 'Ageing Creatively' Project was a great success with strong relationships building within the group and improving Creative Enrichment, therefore it will now be developed further over the next couple of months.

I look forward to facilitating this group again and the second part of the Creative Journey we will take..

iPad engAGE Sustainability at Carers Together...

The success of iPad engAGE is carrying on for Carers Together, Redcar!

I am now facilitating iPad Creativity Courses at 25K Youth Centre in Redcar for those who took part in Stage One of iPad engAGE and for newcomers who would like to have a go! They all kicked off with a Flowers and Gardening iPad Creativity class last week - the results were fabulous!

Watch this space for Creative Visual Outcomes..
They will also be made available at:

Mental Health First Aid..

I participated in the Mental Health First Aid course which was funded by Durham City Council. It was absolutely fascinating and really helped to develop my knowledge around Mental Health especially in the context that i work in - through the Creative Arts. It gave great insight into how i should approach certain situations and deliver a successful session.

If you want to become a Mental Health First Aider follow this link:

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

2013 is off to a great start with some really exciting Creative Projects on their way....