Monday, 24 September 2012

iPad engAGE Newsletter...

If you have not been in touch in regards to be signed up to the iPad engAGE newsletter - feel free to get in touch and this can be sent through to you....

The Newsletter will be live and sent out this week - with news, developments, facts and ideas on the project, iPad engAGE.

Consett Open Studio

My series of the Consett Open Studio has started! It began with Paper Making and Manipulation and throughout the next three months will take a varied journey into Art Form development.

I look forward to sharing my knowledge of techniques with the group over this amount of time, and i am sure i will really learn alot from them in return!

Keep Posted for Photograph evidence of the groups development!

Tyne and Wear Project Development...

The Tyne and Wear Museum and Gallery Project is well underway now with two completed sessions at the Stephenson Museum and now we are working in the fabulous South Sheilds Museum. As the project develops so does the group confidence, engagement and overall enjoyment - it really is a pleasure to see and be part of.

This is a story come poem that was developed in South Sheilds Museum as part of walking down an old street (which in fact was Catherine Cookson's old street)...

Bread Bin,
Hot Water Bottles,
When it gets cold you tighten up that lid,
With hot steamy, boiling water,
They used to call it the grey hen,
Maybe it was used to keep the chicks warm?
A flat iron,
You out it on the gas,
Hot Hot Hot,
Wrap a towel round it for your feet,
Spectacles - they are rather little - i wonder who they belonged to?
Perhaps for a child or an old grandmother,
Child's booties,
A babies bottle - that you put the milk in,
A large plunger to unblock the drains,
A Watering can and huge Malet,
China Dog,
People had these either side of the mantle piece with an aspidestra next to it.
Rolling pin, roll roll roll,
Maker and Jelly Moulds,
A meat dish for that yummy roast to go on,
Soap and Hairbrushes,
Carpet Beater, Shake it, BEAT it, to get all the dust out and about,
I like it these days.

The last line really sums up the whole process of appreciating the exhibits which lend themselves to really personal memories...

Boxes of Identity and Curiosity at Stanley Day Centre...

These are photographs from the completed boxes of identity and curiosity developed by members of Stanley Day Centre. Throughout the programme we looked at various Art Medium including Photography, Sculpture and Casting, Paper Making and Manipulation, Origami and Embellishment.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Working with Older People Journal - Article Published!!

This week the article that i wrote for the 'Working with Older People' journal has been published online....the hard copy will be available very shortly.

If you would like to view and read this, feel free to get in touch at:

Ageing Creatively Project Planning Underway!

After meetings both last week and this week - the Ageing Creatively Project planning is well underway....i am looking forward to being part of a research based project in which i am facilitating workshops based on primarily Art Appreciation at the Hatton Gallery in Newcastle...Keep Posted for Updates!

Gianty Woodland Mosaic at Guisborough Forest Festival!

On behalf of tri-arts we developed a Woodland themed mosaic on a very large scale! It looks absolutely fantastic and will be presented in the main walkway centre when grouted and completed - keep a look out!

TWAM - Stephenson Museum...

The Tyne and Wear Museums Project started off well - with the theme of Journey's and Packing....the Stephenson Museum provided all types of suitcases which inspired all sorts of stories and discussions!

iPad engAGE Photographs online!

Click the link to be taken to iPad engAGE Exhibitions photographs and to find out more...

Parachute Jump for Alzheimer's Society!!

Saturday was the day in which i jumped out of a plane at 13,000 feet and it was truly amazing! With the next event next Sunday - the Great North Run! And hopefully i will raise my goal of £800!

If you fancy digging deep, follow this just giving link:

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Colour Your Life Project at Stanley Day Centre...

The Colour Your Life Project at Stanley Day Centre is soon coming to a close with a fantastic final piece based around 'Identity'...

The sessions of consisted of mixed media including hand and face casting, paper making, embellishing and photography...

Keep posted for Photographs of the final piece!

Further LWDP Dates Booked in!

After the success of the last LWDP Training i have been asked to deliver some more:

The Dates for the Arts Based training are:
Monday 15th of October
Wednesday 23rd of January
Tuesday 5th of March

The Dates for iPad Training are:
Monday 26th of November
Tuesday 22nd of January

If you are interested in any of the training and live in the Preston area, sign up at:

Arts and Health International Conference, Australia

I have recently been accepted to facilitate a range of workshops at the annual Arts and Health Conference in Australia, this will be taking place in November 2013 in Sydney!

Looking forward to this fantastic Conference and to share ideas and passion with others in the same field / practice!

Tyne and Wear Project Designed and Ready to Start!!

After delivering training to Tyne and Wear Museum and Gallery Staff a few weeks ago...we have collaboratively designed sessions that will be facilitated by myself and the staff during the next couple of months, working with a group of older people, specifically with Dementia.

The sessions will run in four alternative musuems and galleries, consisting of:
The Stephenson - Railway Museum
The Shipley Art Gallery
The Laing Art Gallery
The South Sheilds Museum

This is a great opportunity to put into practice everything that i have learnt over the last year!

The sessions are based around Art Thinking and Discussion but also Art Making too - Keep Posted for Art Works and Stories Produced from the Sessions....with the first one next week!

Fundraising for Alzheimer's Society!

In just ONE week i will be jumping out of a plane at 10, 000 feet!!!
In TWO weeks i will be running 13 miles from Newcastle to South Sheilds!!!


If you would like to make a difference to these peoples lives, follow this link:

iPad engAGE Blog...

The iPad engAGE project is all been documented on the new blog, view it here:

Breeze, Summer 2012 Completed!

The Young Person's Festival - Breeze is now over for 2012! I spent 10 days delivering various Art Workshops across various Hot Spots in Leeds. It was great fun and the results were visually beautiful! I look forward to next year....