Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Across the Lines, Colarado!

Amazingly at a conference that was taking place in Milwaukee this year Anne Basting spoke of my new project - iPad engAGE and it sparked common ground for Bruce the founder of 'Across the Lines' in Colarado...

The work that Across the Lines is facilitating is fabulous! Check out the website below for inspirational iPad music tracks and stories...


I hope one day that both iPad engAGE and Across the Lines can collaborate and share on ideas!

The Olympics - NHS Shout Out!

Watching the opening to the Olympics...i have never felt so proud to be British, especially with the NHS Scenes.

It made me think about our National Health Service and how honoured we should be to have this system. Now all we need to do is strengthen it to be the best, incorporating the Arts! The Opening Ceremony was certainly Creative and it showed the NHS in an entirely different way!

iPad engAGE underway!!

Check out the iPad engAGE logo above - designed by Graphic and Logo designer Richard Hunt! Buisness cards, new blog and newsletter are now underway with this Logo now....

The iPad engAGE project will be blogged regularly at:

Today was the first day for iPad engAGE with it taking place at Carers Together in Redcar! It started astoundingly with all participants typing confidently and really embracing the iPad technology - i really look forward to observing and inspiring Creativity for individuals with Dementia!

Keep posted with iPad engAGE at the above address for regular updates!

Training for Tyne and Wear Museums, Newcastle

Through Equal Arts (Projects for Older People in the Newcastle area) i delivered training to the Learning Team across the Tyne and Wear Musuems which was held at the Laing Art Gallery, very central to them all.

Following on from a 'Meet Me at MOMA' model delivered by Kate Horbury from the Royal Academy in London, my training was based on how we can combine all of our senses into cross collaborative art forms to enhance the learning experience for individuals living with dementia in musuems and galleries across Tyne and Wear.

As a follow up to this i will be facilitating similar sessions 'live' with participants and training the various learning teams how to facilitate such a session. The Museums and galleries involved are the Laing Art Gallery, The Shipley, Stephenson and South Sheilds.

Keep posted for updates on how these progress along with additional photos and qualitative data!

Facilitating Training at LWDP, Preston

I was asked by Katie Burgess at LWDP in Preston to deliver a days training around 'Visual Arts enhancing Creativity and Communication'. It went down a storm and i thoroughly enjoyed myself too - learning off others too...

The training was attended by all walks of life and careers, ranging from Care Workers, Activity Co-ordinators, Age UK and Managers of various Dementia Care Organisations and Care Homes, therefore it was really interesting sharing experiences and opinions around the Care Sector and Creativity.

I facilitated the training as interactively as i could with only around a quarter based on presentation - all those who participated left with many ideas due to participating at various levels with mixed sensory input and with alternate cross collaborative art forms.

The more training courses that are put into place like this, the more this work will be a success and sit stronger in the care sector!

I will be delivering the same course in both October and January too - so check out the LWDP website if you would be interested to attend.

Creative Legacy Project, North East...

These are photographs that were taken at the Creative Legacy Sessions - lots of people = lots of fun!

Other Photographs from the Storybox project, by Roshanna Rubin - Mayhew

These amazing photographs were taken by Roshana Rubin - Mayhew on behalf of Storybox at the Library Theatre Company. They really depict what the project was all about - relationship, fun and laughter and old and new stories!

Additional photographs can be found on the Library Theatre Company Website under the Storybox Project...

Library Theatre Company Updated Website...

The Library Theatre Company have updated their website recently and the fabulous Storybox Project article is now available to read at:


What a great project that was...