Sunday, 8 April 2012

'Devising Psychosis' Scrapbook Blog..

As part of the ‘Devising Psychosis’ Project i am documenting the creative development and theatrical outcomes through a Scrapbook development on a Blog…over the next few weeks it will be completed and open interactively to the members of the group to document their progress and ideas for the future!

Carers Together Arts Sessions Set Up!

This week i met with Carers Together to decide on the dates for the next months to facilitate art sessions for the individual and carer support forum. I am really looking forward to supporting and sharing my ideas around creative activities which can be used in multiple environments!!

SignPost Journal - Hard and Online Copy!

My written article with photos was in this months SignPost Journal!! – It looks great..let me know if you would like a copy or the link to it!

RCMOH Article for The Bridge...

This week i have also submitted an article for the RCMOH, for The Bridge – watch this space for updates and for it going live on the website!!

Care Industry News Article...

I felt so honoured to be able to write for the ‘Care Industry News’ website!! Apply for a Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship and it can really enrich your life!!

http //

Evening Gazette Update after US Trip...

I appeared in the Gazette again this week after a follow up story was written about my progress on my return from my American Winston Churchill Trip…i hope the story shares my hopes and aspirations for implementing creative workshops into everyday activities with individuals with dementia – it can make a real difference and change to peoples lives.